1. Tips for Transitioning Your Child to Daycare Part 2

    Starting child care in Columbia can be difficult for both children and parents alike.  It's never easy to send your child off to daycare for the first time, but it's something that most parents have to face at some point or another. Settling into any new routine can be a challenge, and the transiti…Read More

  2. Tips for Transitioning Your Child to Daycare

    Transitioning to daycare in Columbia can be a challenge.  All parents would love to be able to care for their child all day every day, but for most of us, that's just not realistic. Luckily, you have A World of Discoveries on your side, and we provide a safe, supervised environment where you child …Read More

  3. Why Play is so Important

    At A World of Discoveries, we make it a point to include play in our curriculum.  Most people consider play and education to be two completely different things, but in all actuality, they go hand in hand. At A World of Discoveries, our child care professionals in Columbia understand how important p…Read More

  4. Welcome to A World of Discoveries Daycare!

    We are proud to be Columbia's go-to daycare! We all want the best for our kids, so it's no wonder that choosing a daycare for your child isn't always easy. However, when you want to find a great daycare for your child in Columbia, there's no better option than A World of Discoveries daycare. We offe…Read More